Pakistan Coast is divided into Makran & Sindh Coast. There are 8 Light Houses on the coast of Pakistan. Out of these five Light Houses namely Jiwani, Gwadur, Pasni, Astola Island & Ormara are on the Makran Coast and three Light Houses namely Cape Monze, Turshian Mouth & Khajar Creek on Sindh Coast. Seven Light Houses are operated by Solar Power whereas one Light House is being operated on Electric. The Light Houses on the Makran Coast were built in the year 1968 whereas the Light Houses on Sindh Coast were built in 1991. The Light House at Cape Monze was built in 1914 on the Sindh Coast which is manually operated till today.
The Light Houses are required to be maintained and kept operational at all times to provide Navigational Aid to the vessels operating within our territorial and international waters. It is the National as well as International Obligation of Pakistan to provide these facilities throughout the year.
Pakistan being member of IALA contributes annual subscription fee towards this International Organization. The Light Dues are levied at the rate of Rs. 7 per Net Tonnage as per Section 10 of Light House Act 1927 on ships calling Pakistani Ports.